Living The Dream Corvette Club Founded August 2010
SECTION 1 Amendment to the By-laws:
Any active/full member in good standing may submit proposed amendments or changes to the By-laws to any officer of the LTDCC. Officers shall rule on the merits of the proposed amendment or change. Proposed changes to the By-laws shall be communicated to the membership for consideration/discussion by paper or electronically prior to or at a regularly scheduled meeting with a reading by the Secretary. If the proposed changes are to be considered, the final of any amendments will be voted on by paper, or electronically prior to or by affirmation during the next regularly scheduled meeting. Amendments to the By-Laws shall become effective upon approval of the officers and passed by affirmation by a majority of the members by paper, electronically or in attendance at a regular scheduled meeting. If a majority of the membership voting by paper, electronically or affirmation, present at the scheduled meeting are in favor of the new By-laws, they can then be adopted and therefore replace or amend the previous By-laws. Copies of the current By-laws shall be carried by all officers of the LTDCC and be available upon request.
Article XI
SECTION 1 Club Dissolution:
In the event the LTDCC disbands, all Club assets will be dispersed by vote of the membership or donated to a charity to be determined by the members or
dispersed in some other manner.
These By-laws were revised and adopted by the LTDCC membership on _______ , 2018.
1. Are you citizen of the United States or a lawful resident alien?
2. Have you ever been charged and/or convicted of a misdemeanor or felony violation.
3. Have you ever been charged and/or convicted of a DUI of alcohol or controlled substance.
4. Are you currently under any criminal or civil investigation?
5. Do you have a current and valid driver’s license, vehicle registration and insurance card?
6. Have you ever had your driver’s license, vehicle registration or insurance card suspended or revoked?
7. Have you ever had your driver’s license suspended or revoked for reckless driving or racing?
8. Why did you purchase a corvette?
9. What do you as a corvette owner enjoy the most about your corvette?
10. Why do you want to join this corvette club?
11. Do you believe that the up keep and maintenance on your corvette should be kept at a high standard?
12. If you were selected into the corvette club how would the club benefit by having you as a member?
13. Do you understand that if you become a member of this club, you must attend 5O% of all scheduled meetings or you will be dropped as an active member?
14. Do you certify that the answers to these questions are true and correct and that information deemed false may result in denial of your membership.
(Last updated: Thursday 11-15-2018)