corvette club

By Laws (Continued)

Article IV

Living The Dream Corvette Club Founded August 2010

SECTION 1       Resignations:

Any. member or officer may resign his or her membership or office by submitting said resignation in writing to the President or Vice President or Secretary of Living the Dream Corvette Club. And, he/she relinquishes any and all rights, titles or claims to any Club assets or offices..

SECTION 2       Revocation of Membership:

Any individual member who shall violate any of the provisions of the By-Laws, rules, regulations, or ethics of the Club which have been properly approved or who shall be guilty of unbecoming conduct, or who shall be found to be in violation of sportsmanlike attitudes fostered by the Club, shall be guilty of an offense against the Club and shall be subject to a fine, reprimand, suspension or revocation of membershi

Any member for good cause may have his or her membership in the Club suspended or revoked based on the recommendation by the unanimous actions of a special five (5) person committee appointed by the Club President. A one (1) month written notice will be given to said member of the proposed suspension or revocation of his/her membership and the reason(s) therefore

The member has an opportunity to explain his/her position at the next scheduled Club meeting of membership following expiration of the aforesaid notice.

If, at the general monthly meeting of the members and upon request of the member whose membership has been suspended and/or revoked by the committee, a majority vote of the general members may override the special committee and reinstate the person whose membership has been suspended and/or revoked.

Any Club member who has their membership revoked shall there by relinquish all rights, titles or claims to any Club assets or office

SECTION 3       Removal:
Any officer can be removed by the membership upon receipt of a majority of written complaints from members.

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