corvette club

By Laws (Continued)

Article VI

Living The Dream Corvette Club Founded August 2010

SECTION 1       Duties of the President:

The President shall perform the duties pertaining to the office. The President sha~1 be the chief executive of L TDCC and preside over alJ meetings. The President can appoint various committees as he/she deems necessary and shall keep in close contact with the committee chairpersons. In the event of a voting tie, the President shall cast the deciding vote. If an elected officer resigns, the President shall appoint a new officer to fill the remainder of the vacant term. In addition to the above duties, the President may appoint a Chaplain, Coordinator of Activities, Director of Memberships, and also a Web Master. The term for these appointed positions shall be for a one (1 ) year period and/or at the discretion of the President.

SECTION 2       Duties of the Vice President:

In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall carry out the duties of the President. The Vice President shall also be called upon by the President to head various committees and to be utilized in other capacities as deemed necessary by the President.

SECTION 3       Duties of the Treasurer:

The Treasurer shall have custody of all monies, debts, and obligations belonging to the LTDCC. The Treasurer shall make payments of all Club debts. All contracts, checks, drafts, notes, or other forms of payment shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the President or Vice President. NOTE: Two (2) signatures cannot be from the same household concerning any financial orders of business. The Treasurer shall give a report of the financial status of the Club at all scheduled meetings. If the Treasurer cannot be present at a meeting, he/she shall insure that the President receives a financial report to present to members at the scheduled meeting.

SECTION 4       Duties of the Secretary:

The Secretary shall record the minutes of the meetings and keep an up-to-date role on meeting attendees. The Secretary shall keep an updated list of the Club membership and send out all correspondence to the membership. All correspondence circulated to membership shall be pre-approved by the President. The Secretary shall have custody of the Club records. In the absence of the Secretary, a Secretary Pro-Tempore shall be chosen by the President.

SECTION 5       Duties of the Sergeant at Arms:

Sergeant at Arms shall maintain order at all meetings and/or Club events. Furthermore, the Sergeant at Arms shall lead Club members into the Pledge of Allegiance after the spoken/silent prayer which will be lead by the Chaplain or other designated individual at the beginning of each schedule meeting.

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