Living The Dream Corvette Club Founded August 2010
SECTION 1 Appointments by the Club President:
The President can appoint additional officers and various committees as he/she deems necessary and shall keep in close contact with the committee chairpersons.
Coordinator of Activities: Assist in the planning and coordination of Club events and activities. There may be additional duties at the discretion of the President.
Director of Membership: Shall assist the Secretary in the responsibility of processing all membership applications and arranging interviews of applicants at scheduled meetings. In addition, the Director of Membership shall draft an approval/disapproval notice for all applicants as part of the membership process. There may be additional duties at the discretion of the President.
Chaplin: Shall be responsible for leading members in a spoken/silent prayer prior to all Club meetings and the Club prayer at the conclusion of all meetings. In addition, the Chaplain shall be responsible for follow-up with any active members suffering an illness, hospitalization, etc. There may be additional duties at the discretion of the President.
Web Master: Shall be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the Club website. There may be additional duties at the discretion of the President.
SECTION 2 Appointment of Committees:
The President shall appoint such committees found to be desirable from time to time and outline the duties and responsibilities of such committees. All reports or action taken by the committee must be voted on by the majority of the committee members and brought to the attention of the Club Officers at a meeting of the committee and the Officers.
Standing Committees: Audit Committee - To review all financial records on a semi-annual or annual basis comparing the books and records of the Secretary and the Treasurer and any committees that may obtain or disperse monies.
Planning Committee - To on a semi-annual or annual basis, plan what activities the club will participate and help set the direction of the club.
Charitable Committee - To seek out charitable organizations and events that the club would like to be associated with.