LTD Corvette Club

C1 First Generation

C2 Second Generation

C3 Third Generation

C4 Fourth Generation

C5 Fifth Generation

C6 Sixth Generation

C7 Seventh Generation
The LTD Founder

Brian K. Westmoreland
Living The Dream was founded by Brian K. Westmoreland in Harrisburg, PA. In 2007, Brian purchased his second corvette, a 2003 which inspired his vision of starting a Corvette Club. Brian had friends and neighbors who also owned corvettes and they'd get together at his home on weekends to barbeque, wash and wax their cars and talk shop about Corvettes. These get togethers' inspired other friends to purchase the American sports car.
The annual Corvette show, held in Carlisle, PA, the last weekend in August, is a big event for Brian and his enthusiastic friends. Brian held barbeques at his home after these shows. Many of his neighbors would come and look at the cars parked at the barbeque as they looked forward to this as an annual event. From these gatherings, discussions ensued around starting a club. Brian took the bull by the horns and started contacting friends and others local enthusiast with a love for “America’s Sports Car”.
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