corvette club

By Laws (Continued)

Article I

Living The Dream Corvette Club Founded August 2010

SECTION 1       Name:

The name of the Club shall be, “Living The Dream Corvette Club" (LTDCC)

SECTION 2       Purpose:

The purpose of the Club is to be an enjoyable, social experience and to bring together Corvette owners and enthusiasts for social and charitable activities and to provide and regulate Club events and exhibitions of Corvettes.

SECTION 3       Structure:

This shall be a social Club that is non-sanctioned, non-profit, and will not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, handicap, sexual orientation, or any other protected category. Club members have the right to govern and control its activities through its duly elected officers.

SECTION 4       Meetings:

This organization is non-profit and no part of earnings shall benefit individual members. It shall not engage in regular business of any kind ordinarily considered to be for profit. Club meetings shall be held on a regular basis (Quarterly, second Saturday of the month) that is identified with a time and place to be determined at a previous Club meeting(s). Officers are required to attend fifty (50%) percent of scheduled meetings.

Members are required to attend 50% of all scheduled meetings. Club members who are unable to attend Club meetings, shall notify the Secretary either in writing, via mail, via telephone, or other electronic means.

Any member who fails to comply with the attendance requirements without an approved absence will be dropped from the activity roster

It is necessary that a quorum of the membership be present at regularly scheduled meetings in order to conduct business. In the event that a quorum is not present at a meeting or in the absence of a meeting, a quorum of the Executive Committee can vote on all membership, financial ( maximum of $300.00) and administrative matters in their place.

The membership will be notified by the President or Secretary of any cancellation of a regularly scheduled meeting either in writing, via mail, via telephone, or other electronic means.

Any executive, special and/or emergency meetings may be called at the request of the Club President. Notice must be given in writing via mail, by telephone, or other electronic means through the secretary.

The general order of business of this Club for each and every meeting shall be as follows based on Robert's Rules of Order

1). Call to order / Silent or spoken prayer / Pledge of allegiance.
2). Report of the last meeting, including a reading of the Minutes.
3). Report of the last meeting, including a reading of the Minutes(unless disposed of on motion).
4). Old Business.
5). New Business
6. Good of the order
7). Adjournment.

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